Industry Trainings for Students

Certified Training on Mooting Skills

Certified Training on Mooting Skills

Get acquainted with mooting skills to be a sharp lawyer

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Certified Training on Corporate Compliance

Certified Training on Corporate Compliance

Get acquainted with the compliance ecosystem & understand the fundamentals of compliance with the laws

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Certified Training on Labour Laws Compliance

Certified Training on Labour Laws Compliance

With this eight hours workshop, get familiar with the labour laws from industry perspective & comprehend the fundamentals of compliance with the labour laws

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Certified Training on Contract Management

Certified Training on Contract Management

1. To get acquainted with the basics of law of contract 2. To understand the fundamentals of contract management cycle 3. To learn the process of contract abstraction and review

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Certified Training on Real Estate Drafting

Certified Training on Real Estate Drafting

1. To learn the due diligence process in real estate transactions 2. To learn the drafting of all the significant documents used in the real estate industry

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Certified Training on Corporate Drafting

Certified Training on Corporate Drafting

Learning Objectives- To learn the drafting specific in corporate transactions. Learning Outcomes- Students will be able to draft and execute the corporate documents.

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