Certified Training on Corporate Compliance

Certified Training on Corporate Compliance

Certified Training on Corporate Compliance

Learning Outcome-

1.      Students will be able to know in depth the compliance ecosystem.

2.      Students will be able to map the relevant laws for a particular industry.


1.      The assessment of 100 marks will be conducted.

2.      Those who secure 60 marks out of 100 will be awarded with certification of completion.

3.      The duration of the assessment will be two hours.

4.      Students have to prepare a task list for a given industry.


Module No


Hours allocated


The ABC of Compliance, Governance, and Risk



How to read an enactment, Identification of obligations, Preparation of obligation registers, Identification of various laws and their categorization, defining tailor-made checklist for select industries Importance of compliance for a “Company” or ‘Employer”, Role of effective compliance governance, Shift of industry mindset from “reactive” to “pro-active” compliance management, Enforcement of compliances and statutory inspections, Understanding of Risk and its prioritization, Rigor of enforceability and levels to manage risk



Compliance Framework Designing



The Driver (The Companies Act, 2013), Operational understanding of the select industry and As-Is Assessment, Defining the Compliance Universe, compliance applicability, Realignment of Policies and procedures with the law of the land, Identification of compliance owners and defining the accountability in an organization, Significance of a “maker-checker” rule, Effective and time-bound compliance performance ,Generating Compliance Certificate






Compliance Audits and Exception Reporting



The concept, importance, and types of audits, How to create an audit checklist, How to conduct an audit and identify exceptions, Drafting an exception report with root cause and recommendation



Internal Policies and Controls 



Different policies and controls govern an organization and their utility, Code of Conduct, What do you mean by ethics and compliances? Utility of different policies and effectiveness of adequate control, Technical analysis of Anti Bribery, Anti-Corruption, POSH, RPWD, etc. laws



Analyzing the Business Operations, Risk Assessments, and Remediation   



Understanding different operational units and processes regulating that, Assess different types of compliance vulnerabilities and root-cause analysis, Outsourcing model - Concept of Principal Employer and Contractor , What is vendor compliance and risk involved in outsourcing work to vendors ,Building checks and balances around vendor lifecycle, Utility of adequate vendor governance program    



Legal Update Management 



What is a legal update and the process of amending a law, Tracking legal updates through various portals, their understanding, and implementation, Impact analysis of implementing any amendment and determining the optimum plan


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